
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Story Time

La La talks so very much now... At the school when I picked her up, she said in her tiny whiny voice, "go home, Mommy... go home..." Then she went on to state, "Mommy 在這理阿..." She gets a little sad being dropped off school in the morning as well. She sheds a little empathy tears in response to Kari's hysterical protest. Happily she'd say goodbye to her teachers, and blow sweetest kisses to anyone who asks.

La La's newest look of frown with her signature head tilt--yet to be captured on film.

She likes to sleep in my arms at night. She'll keep me warm this winter. Last night she made me tell her the story of "Little Red Riding Hood". When I finished, she got up to bring me the book again... "還要看!” Then I told the whole story again, then again, and again... I must have told it for the 10th times when she fell asleep in my arms.