
Friday, July 2, 2010

Mommy's Little Helper

Kayla has grown so much. She can say a lot of things, such as seaweed, noodle, meat, water, milk, juice, apple, banana, etc., mostly the eatables she'll say when she wants to eat them. She loves to eat. If I give her something, she usually stuffs it all in her mouth at once and makes her cheeks puff out like balloons. Believe me she looks adorable like that. She talks about her pink baby blanket all day long. She'll stuff the corner of it in her mouth, and then she'll feel the side of the blanket between her fingers. She loves to say "hi" with a wave and "bye-bye". When a guest leaves, she says "bye-bye", shuts the front door quickly and shoves them out.

The Dad was folding laundry on the bedroom floor yesterday. He dumped out all the clothes on the floor from the basket to start. Kayla sensed the disarray and started picking up all the clothes and packing it back into the basket. What a little Mommy's helper already!! Big Smile. (Secret thought: I cannot wait 'til the day you start washing dishes for me...muahhahaha!)