
Monday, April 8, 2013

Cutest handwriting EVER

I know what you're thinking, but it is in my eyes... My baby is in Taiwan. She seems to be very happy there, but I miss her dearly.  She waves, dances, and chuckles whenever I talk to her.  She'll be a whole month older when she returns...!! Miss ya baby!

By Kayla @age 4

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Through the melt-downs, tantrums, misunderstood demands... She gives me these looks that make me giggle at the end of the day. Her favorite things to say as of now: "Everything is broking!" "Mommy, you're in TROUBLE!" coupled with her cutest pretend-angry face that I never want to forget!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A true Story - Kayla and her French Fry

One beautiful day out at Sea on the Disney Wonder in Mexico, Minnie Mouse Kayla met a beautiful golden French Fry...

Gonna eat this fry... But let's honor it first!  It's a beauty...

**music begins...**
There's something sweet
And certainly oily
But it was salty and it was coarse and unrefined
But now it's near, and so magnified
I wonder why I didn't see it there before

There may be something there that wasn't there before ...
duh..duh..duh duh..

                                    It's slowly coming closer...Gonna eat it...

                                    Oh oh.. It is officially going in my mouth!!!

                                   這是什麼情況?!   What is that claw?

                                     Ate it!!  You too late, AHA!

                             Dear Claw hand,
                             did you have a problem with me eating that fry?
                             Cuz you know.. I'm gonna eat one more...
                             and more...
                             and more.....

So the love affair begins, between Kayla and the French Fries...
And they all live happily ever after, in her tummy.  
The End.

                         And did I mention... Very Happily Ever After?!
                                  Love you, my baby girl. xoxo.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Awwww sweet...

Don't be fooled by her innocent and sweet looks, she can poison you with her L-o-v-e....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Girl with attitude

That's her today. All DAY. Gave me a few dirty looks, but still ended the day with a hug and sweet "good-night".

We gathered for dinner at Uncle Sen and Lisa's house today, with all their uncles and aunties. Enjoying a good hot-pot as we talked and laughed at silly jokes, Kayla scolded loudly and sternly, "吃飯的時候不可以笑!" The big people all bursted out laughing even harder.

Later as we talked, she gave us a stare-down and stuck out her little pout, "吃飯的時候不要講話!"

Our attitude diva.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

little diva

She loved the new little bench I acquired for my closet. It just seemed so perfect for her size... Kayla chilling on it with her blue bear.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Waiting for dinner

Kari requested noodles from Sumi Ama for dinner. She really wanted some noodles and began crying. As Ama served the noodles, Kari ate happily. Kayla asked, "where is meat?" (哪肉肉呢?)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Waiting for Daddy

Kayla got super happy waiting in the front lawn for Daddy to return from work!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Good Night My Love

Before bedtime...

Kayla said sweetly: Good night Daddy!
Daddy answered happily: Good night, Kayla!

Kayla: Good night Mommy!
Mommy delighted: Sweet dreams, Kayla!

Kayla: Good night Daddy...
Daddy: Okay good night, Kayla...

Kayla: Good night Mommy...
Mommy silent.

A few more rounds later ---

Kayla, sweet as can be: Good night Daddy....

Whoa... Some people don't like to say good morning, and some get scolded for saying good night too much!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011


More than two and a half, and not yet three.

Time flies.
My baby is growing up too quickly.
Holding her in my arms,
watching her sleep...
a little heavy,
and not so small anymore.
Am already missing
the baby she still is....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Dining

I tell you... She sees food, and you'd hear her laugh from miles away!! Pure heaven at Sizzler. She lost so much weight from the aweful stomach flu, but She sure won't stay this way for too much longer...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Poor Baby Sick Days

Kayla had been sick forever- 5 days!!! Some stomach virus attached the poor baby. No food, no water, she's now down to Kari's size. Thank goodness she was such a good sick baby. She didn't fuss, barely even cried (except when stuff gushed out from her mouth), nor did she ask to be held at all. She rested on her little couch baby bed next to ours and watched her "CHAO HU" show all day, drifting in and out of sleep.

Finally recovered yesterday and she laughed and giggled in such happiness. She saw the sprinkler splash outside and laughed, "It's raining! It's raining!"

At grandma's house she's now a little messenger that announces lunch and dinner. She'd scream ecstatically while waving both hands and stomping her feet, "lunch is ready, mei mei and mommy!! Hurry come come!! Noodles! Soup! Lunch from grandma!! AHAHAHA!!!" She'd stare at her plate that grandma puts in front of her and giggle loudly with the biggest and sweetest smile on her face. After she tastes the soup, she'd throw her hands up in the air and exclaims loudly with glee, "Ahhh... soup Hao hao huh oh! (so delicious)" Her happiness and smiles are oddly infectious, and it gave all of us around her a therapeutic laugh from the heart!

Little Lala - the happiest angel on earth! Mommy and Daddy are so glad to have your smiles back.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Before bedtime

This is her playtime with Mommy before bedtime. She plays with her dolls, changes the diaper and woos it to sleep! Sometime she'll put her in the bathroom for a quiet time, if she has been bad...

Saturday, June 18, 2011


She loves to neighbor watch...
as the dog walks the owner,
the boy rides the tricycle,
the birds fly above the trees.

But always the best,
is watching daddy come home.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Queen LALA

of my closet...

She sat there like she owned the purses, the dresses, the scarfs, and the closet!! THEN... She had the audacity to start "cooking" ..."noodles" in MY closet!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


when Daddy is around...

Still can't reach to ride that Tricycle...Oh so close...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mischievous little

Kayla is talking up a storm. She can say everyone's name now! Agon fu bing long, Ama kimberly, Mommy Jasmine, Daddy Justin!
She's quite the mischievous one now. We caught her sneaking up to little Kari one day while Kari's putting on her pants. She quickly stomped her feet on Kari's and ran away... Luckily she's so full of smiles she'd get away from serious time-out.

Ready to go

Rainy or sunny
She'll wear a smile
She'll ask no question,
wherever you'd like to take her.
Cool, confident, Daddy's girl

Thursday, April 14, 2011


She said today was "picture day" at school, and she said Kari was a cry baby. I really hope all the reportings from her of Kari being "timed-out" at school was an exaggeration. Kayla loves going to school, and never has any objection when I drop her off. She walks in confidently and never looks back. She's just happy champ wherever she is.

She...finally got her name right. Not Fu-yu-en...It's Fu-yu-xi la...

Still the M-I-L-K- Kayla!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fu-Yu-Xin...Kayla! Two...

She...finally got her name right.

She said today was "picture day" at school, and she said Kari was a cry baby... She got into a heated argument with Kari for that, because Kari denied ALL accusations...

Saturday, April 9, 2011


M-I-L-K...Kayla! fu- en-en...


"What is Agon's name, Kayla?" Mommy asks.
"M-I-L-K...AGON!" Great answer by Kayla.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Little Umbrellas

FInally Kayla got to go with us. She was fascinated by the master chef. Away she clapped. Even more she loved these little umbrellas. She picked out the blue one, and brought home the rest for kari.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daddy's Girl

This is Daddy's girl...

A minor mishap (very mild scolding by Mommy) during her afternoon play sent her running and crying straight into Daddy's arms. She loves him so very much... A big tear drop in her eyes, and a moment shared.

I saw the smile on his face when Daddy carried Lala upstairs for her nap... The happiest smile I've ever seen...

Lala's particular about her colors. Her favorite color is blue. Her boots have to be pink. Kari knows this and saves all the blues for Lala. Thus, Kari's favorite color is....whatever Lala doesn't pick.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Garden Stroll

courtesy of Auntie D.

Conversation with Grandpa in the garden...

Grandpa, barely dangling Lala off his arms after 10 min of holding, "Uhmm...kayla...a little heavy..."
Lala replied, " Very heavy? Ok. I come down!"

Such mature conversation had Grandpa quite impressed.

Mysterious auntie comforting Lala after a slap and hair pulling from the little Kari... Oh you look great, Auntie D!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Little Miss Sensitive (Part II)

Kayla's quiet time while waiting for Kari and Daddy to wake up...
She waited a while this time.

Scared now to say those three words "你不乖", I decided to rephrase. So there was Kayla having done a bad deed, and Mommy said, "Ni....Ni.... Don't make me say those three words!!!"

Next thing you know, "WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!......" from Little Miss Sensitive.

Thursday, February 24, 2011